Hypnobirthing is a method of relaxation and can help manage pain during labour and birth and even in the postnatal period.  It involves using a mixture of breathing techniques, visualisation and relaxation to create a better birthing experience.

When Hypnobirthing was first used it became associated with a natural/water/home birth. In recent years, more practitioners are now promoting Hypnobirthing in any birth environment. Breathing techniques have always been part of antenatal classes, however Hypnobirthing is about working with your birthing partner to find ways to create a calming environment, reduce stress and encourage a positive birthing experience. 

There are many different companies teaching Hypnobirthing and so it's very hard to know who to go with and what the difference is. I trained with KG Hypnobirthing initially and although the company is very prestigious and the method has worked for thousands of women, I felt it was too prescriptive and targeted towards achieving a "natural birth". 

I am now teaching Hypnobirthing with The Little Birth Company and have had better feedback from families that it more accessible and applicable to them. The Little Birth Company programme has been written by a midwife and a hypnotherapist and so I feel it is more informative, realistic and flexible to individual needs. 

I am so happy to now be able to teach families techniques and Hypnobirthing methods from The Little Birth Company - their ethos to support, educate and empower families is one I truly respect and believe in.

Please feel free to head to their website for more information or contact me to discuss Hypnobirthing and it's benefits.